Day 1:  Thursday, October 3, 2024

6:00 -8:00 pm Welcoming Reception and Roundtable on Publishing & Research 

With the participation of  Prof. Anthony Shay (Pomona College), Roberta (Robin) Dougherty (Librarian for Middle East Studies and the Near East Collection, University of Yale) and Ahmad Jabbari (PhD, Publisher, Mazda Publishers)

                     Crookshank Hall 

                     140 West 6th Street

                     Claremont, CA 91711


Sessions on Friday, 4 and Saturday, 5  October 2024 will be at:

Art Studio 122

370 E 4th St. & Amherst Ave.

Claremont, CA 91711


Day 2:  Friday, October 4, 2024
09 a.m. - noon  Dabke: Practice as Resistance
Moderator: Maria Faidi
Dance and Political Resistance in Palestine        
Prof. Nicholas Rowe  University of Auckland 
Translating Syrianness: Migration, Masculinity, and Resistance through Syrian Dabke
Prof. Shayna Silverstein   Northwestern University 
Dabke as a Cultural Tool within the Palestinian Latin-America Diaspora
Francisco Montero Lahsen    PhD Candidate Anthropology   Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 
Palestinian Dabke and Decolonial Solidarities
Yasmine Benabdallah    PhD Candidate Film and Digital Media    University of California, Santa Cruz
1:30-4:30pm   Current trends in Middle Eastern Dance and Music
Moderator: Robin Dougherty
Choreographing the City: Toronto and Yasmina Ramzy
Prof. Barbara Sellers-Young     Professor Emerita  York University
“Hunna Collective: Historians who Dance”: Historical Background, Proposals, and Definitions regarding Public History in the Dance field
Naiara Müssnich Rotta Gomes de Assunção    Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) / Hunna Collective
Bellydance and Melancholia in Egyptian Golden Era Cinema
Maria Faidi  PhD  University of Chichester
Song in Mahfuz’ Bayna al-Qasrayn: Recreating and Appreciating the Diegetic ‘Soundtrack’ of a Modern Egyptian Novel
Roberta L. Dougherty  Librarian     Yale University

5-6:30pm Keynote Speaker: Suhaila Salimpour  
Moderator: Anthony Shay

Day 3: Saturday, October 5   2024
9 am-noon  Envisioning Decolonialism
Moderator: Maria Faidi
‘Give Us Fire, We’ll Tattoo the Dawn on You’: Exile and Freedom in Ishumar Music
Sheyda Aisha Khaymaz    University of Texas at Austin
Exploring the Feminization of Tachelhit Language Transmission through Contemporary Amazigh Pop Songs
Ella Williams     University of Oxford
Stambali-vism: From Slavery to the Creolization of Subversion
Mouna El Kahla   Independent Scholar
'Now We Get It': Ukrainian Perception of Belly Dance as Colonial Practice
Maria Kardash   Independent Scholar

1:30-4:30pm Turkey and the Persianate World
Moderator: Shaharzad Khorsandi
The Landscape of Dance at the turn of the 20th Century: Sites, Genres and Performers
Arzu Öztürkmen   Bogazi University
Uzbek Dance Art in Colonial Conditions (on the example of the 20th - 30th of the XX Century)
Saodat Taufikovna Nazarova   Researcher  Institute of Cultural Studies Tashkent 
Female Acrobats and Equestrians: Recovering Female Javānmardī in the Premodern Persianate World
Amanda Caterina Leong   PhD Candidate   University of California Merced
Khorezm National Dances in Uzbek Art: History and Today
Abduvali Abdumutalibovich Yuldashev    Researcher History Institute of the Academy of Sciences Tashkent
Dezfuli Dances: Regional Cultural Contexts of Ceremonies in Khuzestan, Iran
Mahsa Hojjati   Independent Scholar 

5-6:30pm     Keynote Speaker: Amir Hossein Pourjavadi
               "Professional Entertainers in the Iranian World"
                                Moderator: Anthony Shay

8-9:00pm  MENACA Dance Concert  

Day 4: Sunday, October 6 2024
Dance Workshops:
9-10:00 am             Contemporary Iranian Dance Workshop with Shaharzad Khorsandi
10.15-11.15am    Dance Workshop with Suhaila Salimpour

12:30-14:00pm    Closing Session 
Screening of "The Fez": The Golden Years of Middle Eastern Community in Los Angeles 
Directed by Roxxane Shelaby 
Moderator: Anthony Shay
Followed by virtual Q& A with Roxxane Shelaby


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