Call for Submissions

Dear Colleagues,

We meet again to convene the second scholarly symposium on MENA and Central Asian dances. This year’s topics include music and performing arts from the same regions.

The goal is to gather as many scholars as possible in one academic environment to present their most recent research. 

The topics under consideration include but are not limited to:

  • Corporeality 
  • Dance and non-dance patterned movement
  • Dance in media 
  • Self-exotification and  “West-toxication” (gharbzadegi)
  • Is concert/stage/theatrical dance a project of colonization? When is appropriation happening, and when is imaginative collaboration happening?
  • Decolonization of MENACA dance/musical studies/performance
  • Intersection of Modalities of performance: interconnections between dance and other fields
  • Contemporary reimaginings/reconstructions/reenactments of traditional performing arts forms
  • Gender and Sexuality 
  • Dance: Migration and Immigration
  • Dance and Music in relation to Neuroscience

February, 15th. 2024  Submissions window opens: All submissions must be accompanied by abstract (150-250 words)

April, 19 th. 2024  Deadline for submissions (applications + abstract)

May, 1st.  2024  Acceptance letters are sent


General Submission Guidelines for Paper and Presentation Proposals​:

Note: this hybrid symposium has a limited number of virtual presentation slots available that will be programmed mainly for presenters with travel/ visa limitations.


Individual Papers: Paper presentations must be based on unpublished research or interpretation and must be designed for oral delivery within 20 minutes, including use of audiovisual aids. Papers running eight double-spaced pages are ideal. The programming committee will arrange individual paper submission into panels of three with a moderator. 


Panels: Panels are 90 minutes in length and should consist of three 20-minute papers or four 15-minute papers on a related topic and 30 minutes for questions/answers. We also welcome panels that take a delivery response format, in which formal respondents comment on one or two presenters' work. Panel proposals should consist of one document that contains a 150-word summary of the larger panel topic and individual paper proposals as outlined above for each presenter. The title of the proposed panel and the panelists' names should be included in the appropriate fields of the submission form only. Only one member of the panel needs to submit the panel proposal. Proposed panels will not be assigned a moderator. If panels would like a moderator, they may include their own moderator with their proposal if they wish. 


Lecture-Demonstrations: Lecture-Demonstrations may run either 45 or 90 minutes, and should be presentations where spoken and performative aspects are in dialogue (as commentary, illustration, disruption, or otherwise). Proposals should articulate: why the presentation best fits within the lec-dem format; the time requirements and studio/space requirements (specifically whether a studio space is necessary); and the names of all presenters (include performers or demonstration assistants).  If two or more applicants are involved, one person may submit the proposal.


Workshops: Movement workshops may run either 45 or 90 minutes. If two or more applicants are involved, one person may submit the proposal but the names of all presenters (including performers or demonstration assistants) must be listed on the submission form. On the submission form clearly indicate the type of space required (whether the workshop can be held within a conference room or whether a dance/studio space is required) and the recommended attire for participants.  


Dance Works and Screendances: Dance works and screendances should run no more than 12 minutes. Proposals should include a link to a trailer, full work (preferable), or excerpt of the work to be shown. The proposal abstract should articulate the work's research inquiry. Presenters will be grouped into performance panels or screendance showings, depending on the space available at the conference site, and the research inquiry being posed. There will be time for a facilitated Q&A with all of the presenters/performers at the end of the session. It should be noted that there are no submission fees, screening fees, or other fees or revenue for the presentation of dance works or screendances. There is no technical support for dance works. 


FORMAT: All Proposals must include the title of the presentation and an abstract of no more than 250 words that describes the topic, approach, sources and format of your presentation, as well as keywords. Proposals will be anonymously reviewed and therefore names and affiliations of presenters should be omitted from the proposal and indicated only on the online submission form. 

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